Thursday, March 19, 2009


Writing twice in one day, apparently. I'm not sure how frequently I will write, but I figure I might as well start with a burst of activity and then see how things end up once I have a routine.

I am sitting in Paresky, nominally writing the d'var for tomorrow's Shabbat dinner. For anyone who isn't sure, the d'var is a commentary on the week's Torah portion and a different person gives it at the JRC (Jewish Religious Center) each week. I have some vague thoughts about what I will say, but it's always hard for me before I get on a roll. Usually I just sit and ponder for a while and eventually think of something. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I'm capable of writing in my blog and pondering simultaneously. I guess that means that generally, writing in my blog = getting less sleep. Oh, well!

We only have one day of classes until Spring break. Not having that much left to do, my productivity has plummeted. I don't really care when I go to sleep tonight because I only have to make it through one more day. So I'm writing in my blog instead of doing work.

We are hoping that tomorrow in Russian class, our TA from Moscow, Stas, will host a "surprise" vodka tasting party. He's a little unpredictable sometimes, so we're not sure. I hope he doesn't read this before tomorrow. (Stas, if you read this before class tomorrow and are not planning a "surprise" vodka tasting party, don't worry about it. We'll be happy just to see your smiling face.) There are only six of us in the class so we know each other fairly well. But every once in a while someone will discover something completely new about someone else that we never would have guessed because we are only allowed to speak in Russian. For instance, not until the end of first semester did I figure out everyone's English names, and it still sounds strange to hear them.

Probably by the time I write again I will be on spring break!

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