Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Up way too late...

...considering the circumstances. I'm still planning on doing the sunrise hike. And there will be lox afterward! Mmm, lox. I'll bring the camera and maybe get some nice pictures of Williamstown.

Tomorrow at 12:15 I'm supposed to lead a bonfire. We will be burning the remaining chametz (bread,) part of a final preparation for Passover. Then I'm supposed to help lead the Passover Seder, for which I need to practice. I know all of the tunes, but the Hebrew gets a little sketchy.

I would have gone to bed earlier, but instead I had a nice conversation with my next-door neighbor from last year, Jeff. He and I had our ups and downs as neighbors, the downs frequently instigated by his nasty habit of absent-mindedly banging his head against the wall that we shared, but we've definitely come to a mutual understanding. And it's turned out that we have a thing or two in common.

I had a good birthday overall. My ribbon ploy (detailed in the previous post) effectively served its purpose. This is a somewhat representative example of how the conversation would go, incorporating components of several actual scenarios.

Person: I think you've got something on your head.
Me: Oh, that's a ribbon! It's tied to a tuft of my hair.
Person: Ah. I see. *quizzical look* Dare I ask why?
Me: You may have one guess.
Person: Um, I don't know. Is it Ribbon Tuesday?
Me:'s my birthday!
Person: Oh my gosh! Happy Birthday!
Me: Thanks!

So something like that. I recommend the strategy to anyone who doesn't want to go around randomly blabbing about how it's your birthday but wants a little birthday attention anyway.

I ended up getting some early birthday cards in the mail, and some people told me that their cards would be arriving in a couple of days, but nothing arrived today! I don't mind at all. It's nice to have things spread out.

This week is a little overbooked with the Dance Co. concert on Friday and Saturday. I have a very peripheral role in the whole production, only playing in one piece, but they need us to be at lots of dress rehearsals. I messed up by accidentally agreeing to schedule a Jewboard meeting (today's meeting) during one of the Dance Co. rehearsals. So I sprinted back and forth between the '62 Center and the JRC, managing to disappoint everyone all at once.

I met with the running coach. He is very nice. There are so many nice people. He wants me to run around 2 hours each week and maybe more as the semester goes on. I think I'll be able to do that, though I don't know what the heck I'm going to do for this week. Maybe run two hours all at once on Saturday.

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