Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I'm about to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. Hooray! This morning the last 48 hours caught up to me. I accidentally fell asleep at 5am and then didn't wake up until 10. I missed music theory and had to skip Russian to finish my history paper which I was supposed to have completed a few hours earlier.

Having brought the whole situation upon myself, it's a relief that my body kicked in, got me some sleep, and hopefully limited the damage to my academic career and overall health.

I'm lying on my bed in my room. Sometimes after a few days like this I feel like I've been cheating on my room. I don't do any reading in here because I'll fall asleep, guaranteed, regardless of the time of day. So when I've got some sort of work marathon, I'm always in Goodrich or the library or whatever. Then as soon as I fall back in my room I brush my teeth and pass out for the night without even noticing where I am.

I'll only be living here for a few more weeks and I don't want my room to feel unloved.

It's really nice that they give us rooms and not bunk beds in a big hall or something. I suppose it's reasonable for them to give us rooms since we pay for them. I wonder what would happen if colleges instituted some sort of group housing with no real amenities. Like in boot camp. Certainly people wouldn't complain much if they didn't know any other way. But even if they did, I wonder...would a culture emerge? Would we be disdainful of colleges where students lived in private rooms, like kings? Life would be very different. I suppose they would separate the genders. Or maybe they would at Williams, but probably not at all schools. After all, would that accomplish so much in our somewhat sexually liberated society?

It would be much more difficult to have secrets. Maybe that would be OK. What the hell do we have secrets about, anyway? Nuclear non-proliferation? What is so important in my life that someone else can't know it? Nothing I can think of, off the top of my head. Only things that other people told me not to tell people.