Tuesday, May 19, 2009

impending fiasco

So apparently, when we sent in my old passport to apply for my Russian travel visa, we accidentally sent in my old old passport from when I was a little kid. They told me we would probably be able to get my visa in time for me to participate in the program so long as my parents overnight the correct passport today...I've already come up with a backup plan for the summer, to ask Bill Stinson if I can work on his farm again. And if that doesn't work, maybe I can get a job at the Schenectady JCC pool.

This alternate plan (either alternate plan) would certainly have some advantages and perks...but I'm not sure. It would be a bummer if the visa doesn't go through.

I haven't had anything to eat today. I have to play a friend's string quartet composition at 10:45, in 15 minutes, for a recording. And then the music department bar-b-que!

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